Premium-Line held trainings in Sri Lanka
On February 19-20, Premium-Line Systems, together with the authorized distributor DCL Engineering (Pvt) Ltd, held the series of trainings on Premium-Line Fiber Optic Solutions.
The trainings were attended by the Managing Director of the company, Robert Grischany. The main trainer was Vladyslav Ritskyi – Technical Director of the Premium-Line company.
From DCL Engineering, the Director – Pradeep Dissanyake, The Premium-Line Authorized Trainer – Mihira Fernando, the Head of Sales – Krishantha Edirisinghe and the Sales & Marketing teams were busy organizing and conducting the event.
To make the learning process more effective, the trainings were divided into two target groups. The first group was telecom operators and large enterprises. Here we make stress on solutions that are relevant for these segments. Especially optical products were considered in particular detail. All this was reinforced by real cases and an implementation example in projects in the telecom and construction industries.
The second group was systems integrators. We know from experience that any system integrator encounters very different projects, and here it is important not only to be able to understand the project, but also to be able to explain and convince to implement the most optimal and rational solution. In this part, we also paid attention to the theoretical part, examined the full Premium-Line product range for optical solutions, and also reviewed the real cases of equipment implementation in various projects.
All participants have received the certificates.
We thank the DCL Engineering company for the cooperation and wish the team continued success.
Premium-Line has its own team of trainers and certified trainers in various regions. If you are interested in conducting trainings in your company, do not hesitate to contact us.